Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I'm so emotional about all this. It just feels so official now! We got the call that our embassy appointment is definitely Feb. 21st, so we booked our airfare to leave the 18th (less than 2 weeks away!). Finally, last night, we put the baby bed and changing table up in my son's room. I pulled out some things I had tucked aside for the baby and went through it (realizing that I am totally unprepared!).

For some reason, it is all just now hitting me...we are going to ETHIOPIA and bringing home a BABY!!!! Hello?!?! Did I not realize that before now? I guess, I just kept feeling like this paper pregancy would never end and there was no reason to get my hopes up for anything to actually happen quickly. However, I am thinking it's time to engage and seriously get something ready for this new addition to our family! Seriously, we are leaving the country in 12 days - I have got to go make a list or something. I just wanted to laugh when I read someone's blog the other day, saying that they were leaving in 2 weeks and their bags weighed 40 and 45 lbs...should I being weighing bags already?! I don't have anything in the bags...that's the problem!!!!

I have too many other things to do this week to start all that, anyway. Plus, my husband's to-do list around this house is insanely long. I think I see a few all-nighters coming up... Thank goodness Wal-Mart is open 24 hours!


Ted and Jill said...

You are funny! I can imagine how I will be feeling when we get to that point. Blessings on your travel and new son.


Karen said...

My husband told his grandma yesterday that we're pretty much ready for the baby (we got our referral Monday!!!!!!!) and I gave him a sideway glance and mouthed "clothes" to him. Yes, we might have some of the larger stuff in place, but I bet she'd like clothes to wear too...:-)

Looking forward to following your journey to Ethiopia and back!

Gretchen Magruder said...

how exciting!! Did you get the amazing companion fare deal Sharon emailed about?!

Jill said...

At least you've been a mom. I had to read all the baby books and blogs to even know WHAT to take for my baby. You better get busy, it goes by really fast the last couple of weeks!

So excited for you! Yes, yes, yes, yes. Just had to say that!

LISA said...

Yayyyy!!! Finally a travel date!!!
Get ta packin'!!!

Amanda said...

I'm worried that we'll have that whole "oh my gosh! this is REAL" feeling when we're booking our travel too. I empathize with what you said-sometimes it seems this paperchase is endless and there's no reason to get one's hopes up. I'm prepping for the children, but it all seems like empty actions. I know once we submit the dossier it'll be more real, and I know by the time we're in YOUR shoes, I'll be freaking out too! :)

Congrats again and I know you must be so excited and nervous!

Coming to Amharica said...

Oh my gosh...what must it feel like to have a travel date?? I can't imagine. I'm so happy for you!