Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Destiny Moments

My mom writes a weekly inspirational article for our local newspaper. This week was about our new baby. So, from Dr. Patti Amsden:

Destiny moments happen in all our lives. You know – that period of time set apart from the rest, those hours isolated from the ordinary, those seconds detached from regular routine – those are destiny moments that happen in all our lives. And when they do, our course is forever altered.
Sometimes destiny unveils itself unexpectedly in a venue that was not even on our radar. Providence designs an opportunity and seeks us out, as if it were a surprise party delighting in keeping the secret until the perfect moment of revealing the planned event. Other times, we have selected our chosen path in life when there, posted like a detour sign in the road, fortune alters our course and takes us on an unexpected journey. However it appears, a destiny moment arrests our today, refocuses our tomorrow, and restructures our forever.
Our family has recently had a destiny moment. This one occurred along a chosen pathway. Our daughter and her husband began the process of adoption over a year ago. An agency was contacted; nations open to adoption were considered; time and cost were evaluated; and a decision was made. They would make application for a baby boy from Ethiopia. Paper work on top of paper work consumed the first few months. Finally, all was in order; and they entered the phase of awaiting a referral. They waited. They prayed. Then they waited some more. Destiny is funny like that – it seems it will never come until suddenly it jolts, almost as if to startle you.
After a year and a half on Christmas Day the email came, as if offering a gift so precious that it had to be given on the premier day of gift-giving. A boy had become available. His birth name was Ashenafi. He was perfect in every way and was immediately ready for adoption. As it was a holiday, the whole family was together; so we gathered to pray. Divine providence had unfolded. Heavenly intervention had earmarked the newest family member, and God’s eternal plan had connected him to us. “Yes!” we shouted with delight. “We want him!” we announced. “Welcome to our hearts and home!” we proclaimed without reservation.
My daughter, Deedra, and her husband, Paul, will travel this next week to the other side of the world to receive their son. A destiny moment will occur for Ashenafi, although it may be years before he realizes the course-altering, destiny-setting, eternity-impacting results of the moment when he is delivered to his parents and his new family. They will tell him of the journey of adoption. They will recount the way God orchestrated his arrival. They will speak of fortuitous circumstances from a heart of gratitude to a gracious God. He will come to understand the blessing inherent in a destiny moment.
The Bible says that God orders the pathway of His people. And along each one’s journey, regardless of the condition of the road traveled, there are God-given moments that can open our eyes to a greater plan than we had previously known. Special gifts await each of us. Our family has been given this new blessing. I pray that divine destiny moments may bring heaven’s plans your way!


Diana said...

Wow! Your mother is a beautiful and eloquent writer. Thank You for sharing!

Julie said...

Those were some of the most beautiful words I have ever read. Truly Beautiful.

I am praying for your family as you are in Ethiopia meeting your new son. Congratulations again!

I can't wait to see some pictures.

God Bless,