Friday, October 5, 2007

What's In a Name?

We have had the name Caleb since my 2nd pregnancy. After my 3rd pregnancy, and 2 girls later, we decided that must be the name we were going to use for baby #4. So, for the last 18-months in which we have been "paper-pregnant" we keep calling the baby "Caleb".

Until 2 months ago that is, when I started telling Paul that I thought Zeke was a cute nickname. He wasn't sure that was a good nickname for Caleb (?) but I told him I liked the sound of it with Cole, Hope, and Lela. So, we didn't think too much more of it until the social worker called with our referral. She said, "I don't know how to pronounce his name, but let me spell it for you...Z...E..." Ok, at that point I stopped listening and started yelling, "Are you kidding?" I couldn't believe his name began with "ze"...close enough to Zeke for me!

So, we still don't know if we will keep Caleb or ditch it altogether; but for now, he is "Baby Z". That seems appropriate enough!


Jane said...

Congratulations! I happened to think of our old days at Sonlife and decided to see if I could track you down and what a wonderful thing to find! What a blessing for your family and your new baby boy.

Jane (Sowell) Brummett

LISA said...

Deedra,Zeke is evidently a very good name!

kikstra said...

Yes, I love "Zeke" also- hopefully your kids will accept a name change better than ours. When we got our referral pic, our boy looked more like a "Benjamin" to us than "Joshua" (which we have been calling him)- unfortunately, our kids do not agree! Hopefully this will change in the next few months. Very cool though that your boy's Ethiopian name matches what you were thinking of!

gigglechirp said...

wow! That is wild re: "Z..E..."

love both names - just think, you really don't need to decide for certain until you come home with him!
