Sunday, October 7, 2007

Eating for Two?

Is it possible to gain weight with a paper pregnancy? Because I seem to be eating for two this last week! In fact, I just baked a double-batch of brownies tonight for "the kids". But, truthfully, I ate enough brownie dough to blow that cover before they even came out of the oven:) Somewhere among dreadfully excited to finally have a name and face for which to pray, terribly anxious about finances, and striving to trust God with everything, I have given in to many cravings! So, off to Curves I go tomorrow morning. I have to get in my 3 workouts this week and knock off some chocolate or I'm going to have some serious baby-fat to lose by the time Baby Z comes home!


Anonymous said...

Haha! I totally agree, and since we are adopting 2 I tell everyone that I am eating for 3 :+) Unfortunately, I have gained more weight than I care to admit, but I am also happier than I have ever been in my life! Any word on court for you guys?

LISA said...

I hear ya! I just saw one of my friends the other day and she noticed.....nicely.I told her the same thing Marissa said! LOL!We have awhile to go, so i need to start walking!!

Julie said...

Wow, I could have written that post and I am only paper pregnant.

Have fun excercising, I am off for a walk myself.

kikstra said...

Yes, unfortunately I am experiencing the same, and I seem to use the adoption as an excuse- I was frustrated when we didn't have our referral- ordered pizza, We got our referral, let's celebrate- ordered pizza, preoccupied with pre-travel, pre-baby planning- ordered pizza. Good thing we're moving to baggy sweatshirt weather!