Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"The Call" Has Finally Come!

Today was the day! I can hardly believe it! I got the call from our social worker, Julia, this morning around 10:30 or 11:00 and she said "I have a baby boy for you!"....I couldn't believe it...I just started to cry and told her how timely it was and how perfect it was of God to choose this day (for many reasons of which I will not bore you). Finally, she asked if I wanted to know about the baby. Yes, of course, I just had to stop blabbering to pull myself together enough to listen! He is 2 1/2 months old and healthy. He is still very small, but currently in our agencies' transitional housing. I don't think I can share his name through this medium, but I hope to be able to post his name and pictures of him very soon. Let's pray for a quick court date!!! I'd love to be able to travel to get him before the end of the year so he'll be home for Christmas.

Honestly, I had a very emotional moment while we were learning of his family and how he came to be relinquished. I was surprised at how moved in grief I was for his loss. It just became profoundly real when I heard a story that was now attached to a face and a name. He's not just a statistic; he's my son. So, while I celebrate this day, I also remember to pray that God will be with him to comfort his grieving soul and bring peace to his family. I know that this divine door of destiny did not come without a price.


Karen said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to learn more about your precious little one, and follow your journey all the way to Ethiopia!!

Jill said...

Yea!!!!! I talked to my SW Lindsay this am to see if there was any news. She said it looked like they might have a referral for a baby boy and I thought--Deedra!!! So I've been checking your blog all day to see if it was you. Congratulations!!! I'm praying for a quick and easy court date!

kikstra said...

Congratulations- maybe we'll see you in Ethiopia!

gigglechirp said...

Congrats from Mamush and family! We are thrilled to hear your news and send good wishes and prayer to you, your little one and his Ethiopia family that you will be forever linked to through this beautiful boy.


Amy B. said...

WOOOOHOOO! I am so happy for you...and such a little guy! I can't believe he is only 2 1/2 months old! I can not wait to see pictures. I am so very happy for your family. I have checked your blog all summer waiting for this! Amy

LISA said...

Congratulations again!!

Erica said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I can't wait to here more about your precious baby boy!

Ted and Jill said...

Awesome! God is good.

Stacie said...

Wonderful news!! We're so excited for you guys - we can't wait to see his precious face and ultimately meet this sweet babe! Congratulations again and again!! Praying for a quick court date. I have a lot of faith in Tsegay - he does amazing work, so hopefully it will move fast and this baby will be home with his family very soon!

Julie said...

Congratulations! What wonderful news.

Angie said...

WOW!!! I could not possibly be any more excited for you than I am right now! Congratulations honey! :D

Dan, Misty & Ashar said...

Yeah! So happy for you. Beautiful to hear your reaction and perspective on a tough situation with a beautiful blessing. Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

Very cool! i also mourned their loss (our referred kids). I was so sad for them, their birth parents, etc...I had a very emotional "day-after-referral".