Monday, April 16, 2007

What's in a Dossier?

Over the weekend I received our package from CHI with the details of preparing our dossier, which is the paperwork which will go to Ethiopia and be presented before our referral is given. Oh my goodness! It looks somewhat intimidating. On the other hand, I believe we already collected most of it for our homestudy. So, except a few things, we shouldn't have to collect many more pieces. Then we have to get it certified at the state level before the whole package is taken to be bundled and authenticated. And, then, well, then it goes on to many more hands before it is finally translated in Ehtiopia and we receive the green light. What a bureaucratic mess of red tape this whole ordeal is!!! Here's praying we'll get through this with smooth sailing.


Clickin Mama J said...

The dossier ends up not being so bad. At first I was scared to death but it really doesn't take to long to put it all together.

Stacie said...

Hi Deedra-
We've just started and Jessie is right - it seems a lot worse than it actually is. I'm just being a freak about making sure everything is perfect on each of the documents- signatures, notary seals, etc. I think my HR dept. is about to fire me b/c I had them do the employment letter over for the third time! Hah! I told them I'm just being a nervous mom-to-be. That solves everything! Hope your dossier-ing is going well!